In July, 2001, the Long Hill Township Police Department began to organize a Volunteer Domestic Violence Crisis Response Team. This is part of our town's overall program to respond to the needs of victims of domestic violence. The program was formed through the collaboration of Jersey Battered Woman's Service and the Morris County Prosecutor's Office. |
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month There were 73,749 domestic violence offenses in New Jersey in 2006, and research shows that domestic violence is underreported. Children are involved or present during 33% of those offenses. Domestic violence complaints filed after prior court orders were issued against the offender decreased 4% over the prior year. Alcohol and drugs are involved in 28% of the reported offenses. Women are victims in 77% of all domestic violence offenses. People over the age of 60 are victims in 3% of the offenses, and were 12% of the victims in domestic violence murders. Domestic violence accounted for at least 42 of the statewide murders. Everyone has to play a role in ending domestic violence. To learn more about how you can help prevent domestic violence in your community or workplace, or to learn how to obtain help for a friend or family member, call:
Crisis Response Team volunteers provide support for victims at the police department by:
Volunteers must first complete 40 hours of training, provided by JBWS, to become a CRT volunteer. Volunteers will be expected to attend subsequent quarterly team meetings and bi-annual training sessions. Team members are on-call during scheduled shifts, to assist domestic violence victims at Police Headquarters. Volunteers should have these qualifications:
*Bi-lingual volunteers are especially needed, but an additional language is not required. The Police Department believes that Crisis Response Team volunteers play a significant role in helping to reduce both the incidence and the emotional trauma associated with domestic violence. Our officers support the valuable work performed by the CRT members. Please consider joining our efforts to make the community safer for all. If interested in learning more about either the services provided by the CRT or volunteering for the Team, please contact Sergeant Dolores Langenbach at 908-647-1800 ex. 510. |