Township of Long Hill

Municipal Clerk & Registrar
915 Valley Road, Long Hill, NJ 07933  •  908-647-8000
Clerk, Cathy Reese, RMC ext 215
Administrative Assistant, Delia Centurion ext 210

New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA)


  • Printed Documents such as agendas, minutes, budget worksheets and presentations, contracts, bills, vouchers

  • Handwritten Documents

  • Books, Maps and Photographs

  • Tape and Video Recordings

  • Computer Records and E-Mail 

  • Electronically Stored Information


  • Where a record does not exist and one must be created to respond to a request.

  • Information that would jeopardize security. 

  • If the record is electronic, the municipality is not obligated to provide the software to view the record.

  • Personal Information such as social security number, driver license number, unlisted phone number 

  • Public Defender files